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European Union of Cyclotourism (UECT)
19th European Cycling Tourism Week
Prayssac (France) from 05 to 12 July 2025

9th European Cycling Tourism Week (SE)
of the European Cycling Tourism Union (UECT)
PRAYSSAC (France) - from 05 to 12 July 2025

Web Pages :

Information on the registration form

Closing date for registration and payment : 08 June 2025, but the number of participants who can be accommodated in good conditions has been set at 2 500. Once this quota has been reached, registrations will be closed.

On our website >>> European Week >>> Prayssac 2025, you will find practical and general information about the organisation y the list of available accommodation

How to fill in the registration form? Some indications to read carefully.

In order to facilitate your registration for the European Week (SE), the UECT has set up this online registration form. It is up to you to complete it by following the input instructions and clicking on VALIDATE to confirm your registration for the SE.

  1. Who can register ?: Any person who practices cycling tourism can register to the European Week (SE) of the UECT, whether she/he is licensed or not to a federation affiliated to the UECT. The online registration form allows you to enter data : of one or more single participants, of one or 2 couples, of a family with children. If more than 2 couples, several families or more than 5 people, you must draw up separate registration form in order to benefit from the announced rates. The participant responsible for registration is a participant who will be the contact person to be contacted, if necessary, by the organizer of the S and he will be the only one to receive the information.

  2. Payment Method :

    ==> by Credit Card :
    Following the receipt of payment by Credit Card (secured by entering the 3D Secure code sent by your bank by SMS or post) on the UECT bank account, the confirmation of your registration will be sent to the email address of the participant responsible for registration with your Reference File No + registration summary. Please print this final confirmation in order to present it to the organizer at the SE 2025 permanent office.
    this method of payment is to be preferred: simplification, speed of processing and registration of the file, payment security.

    ==> by bank transfer :
    Following your electronic registration, the confirmation of pre-registration with your Reference File No + the summary of the registration and amounts to be paid will be sent automatically within the following hour by our server on the day of your entry, to the email address of the participant responsible for registration.
    After the receipt of your bank transfer to the UECT bank account (to be done within a maximum of 10 days after registration begins, (otherwise your registration will be cancelled automatically), the final confirmation your registration with your Reference File No this final confirmation will be sent to the email address of the participant responsible for registration. Please print it in order to present it to the organizer at the SE 2025 permanent office. 

  3. License Validity : SE participants who have declared that they hold a cycling tourism licence/insurance issued by a UECT member federation (FFCT – FECT – PTTK – FPCUB – FPC – F4DM), valid for the year 2025, must present it with the final confirmation of registration when registering at the permanent office. Otherwise, registration fees will be recalculated and increased according to the actual status of the participant (see rate below).

  4. Insurance : SE participants who do not have a valid cycle tourism license/insurance for the year 2025, must take out civil liability and, where appropriate, a repatriation assistance insurance, with an insurer of their choice and present the certificate of this civil liability insurance (with a copy translated into French) with the final confirmation of registration at the UECT permanent office.

  5. E-mails : for @gmail and @hotmail address holders , our confirmation e-mails may arrive in the spam folder, so please check.
    To ensure that our emails sent from are not automatically deleted by your Internet service provider, but can be consulted in your inbox and not in the spam/unwanted list, we invite you to put either in your favourites or in the "approved sender" module or in the "never block the sender" module.
  1. Changes to your booking or stay : After validation your registration form, any changes to it can only be made to the SE registration referent by e-mail to indicating Reference File No.

  2. Cancellation of the stay :
    ==> By the participant: A request for cancellation for reasons of personal force majeure, duly justified and sent solely by e-mail will be accepted until 8 June 2025 - the closing date for registrations - for a full refund of the registration fees + camping - meals - excursions - equipment recorded on the registration form.
    The organisers of the SE shall have sole responsibility for determining whether a case of force majeure has occurred.
    For any cancellation after 8 June 2025, the registration fees + camping - meals - excursions - equipment services recorded on the registration form will be retained in full by the organisers.
    ==> By the UECT: in case of cancellation of the "Week" due to force majeure (reference article 1218 of the French civil code) e.g. pandemic - border closures - economic crisis, etc … the decision on the feasibility or infeasibility of organizing the "Week" will be taken by the UECT.
    This total cancellation would result in a full refund to the participant of the registration fees and the services recorded on the registration form.

This reimbursement will be made within 2 months maximum following the last day initially planned for the organisation of the "Week".

In the event of a pandemic, the UECT cannot be held responsible for claiming a last-minute refund of the registration fees and services registered when registration the participants, if there are obligations and non-compliance with these obligations of :
- vaccination to travel or circulate in the country organising the "Week".
- providing to the border post an EU digital COVID certificate issued by a State body in the participant's country.

In case of quarantine of the participant at the place of the "Week" or on his return to his country of origin, the UECT cannot be held responsible and will not grant any financial compensation.

  1. Complaints : you have a period of fourteen clear days as from 13th July, 2025 to exercise your right of complaint, justifying the reason for it, the damage suffered, by sending an electronic complaint only to

  2. Liability: the UECT and the local organisers do not assume any obligation of custody or preservation of goods and decline all responsibility in the event of loss, theft or damage to personal property, particularly bicycles and related accessories, which remain under the full responsibility of their owners.

  3. 2025 Tariff : Below is the table of costs for registration to the SE 2025. Participants who have made their registration and the corresponding payment before 25 th May, 2025 will benefit from prices indicated in the table below. After this date the prices will be increased by 10 € per person.

Participant status

Affiliated with a UECT member federation
with a cycling tourism licence

Without affiliation
to a UECT member federation


40 €

55 €

  Spouse of a participant

20 €

35 €

  Child under 18 years old

10 €

10 €


Important additional information :

  1. The organisers remind that federal UECT campsites are ephemeral and, as such, they cannot offer the same accommodation and comfort services as private campsites.
  2. After the registration closing date of 08 June 2025, the number of your zone and location will be sent to you by 11th June 2025 at the latest by e-mail from . Check your inbox and/or spam folder for this information.
  3. No access will be possible or accepted at the various UECT federal camping before Friday 04 th July, 2025 - 2:00 p.m.
  4. Camping/Electricity : the UECT federal campsite will be organised into 6 distinct zones, as follows :
    • 5 areas motorhomes and caravans : with a total capacity of 500 pitches are planned within the city walls and on the outskirts of the city (mostly on grassy meadows, with a few pitches on gravel or tarmac).
    • 1 area tents : with a capacity of 50 pitches is planned for the sports complex (grassy area) COMPLETE
    • the paid provision of individual electrical connections was not retained by the local organizers, decision of the municipality
    • for owners of electrically-assisted bicycles, batteries can be recharged at a single fixed point in the sports complex (at a charge and only if booked in advance via the registration form). There will be 300 sockets.
  1. once these quotas have been reached for pitch capacity and battery recharging, booking opportunities will be closed.
  2. Given the logistical constraints, it will not be possible to make cohabit ;
    - the motorhomes and caravans with tents, because the tented area is not accessible to campervans/caravans
    - the motorhomes over 7.50 m with other motorhomes/caravans and canvas tents 

UECT federal camping services 8-night package

  Fixed price + taxes per person stay camping adult

35 €

  Motorhome pitch

37 €

  Motorhome pitch over 7.50 m

74 €

  Caravan + car pitch

37 €

  Tent pitch

From 17 € to 32 €

  Electrical connection for 7 daily bike battery recharge tickets’.

14 €

  1. Groupings clubs or people on the UECT federal camping : For club or by affinity grouping on zones campsites UECT, send an email before 17th May, 2025 deadline to indicating your Reference File No and the Reference File No of the other person, satisfaction will be given to the extent of the logistical possibilities and constraints as indicated in paragraph 6

Withdrawal of files at the office UECT : Sports Complex - 9 Rue René Lafargue, 46220 Prayssac           contact details GPS 44°30'24.86°N – 1°11'23.06°E

  • Friday, 04 th July, 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, 05 th July, 2025 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

For all information concerning
. the registration and the UECT federal camping organisation : (answer in French/English)
. about the organization logistics in general in Prayssac : (answer in French/English)


Data Protection and Freedom Act
The personal information provided on this form is processed electronically for registration for the European Cycling Touring Week.
The recipient of the data are : the European Cycling Tourism Union (UECT) and and only for first names and surnames: Comité départemental FFCT 46.
 You have the right to access and rectify information concerning you.
If you wish to exercise this right concerning you, please contact us at



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