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A M 09 11 2002
Final statutes
Accepted on 27 02 03 - modified on 11 03 2018
Publication of the UECT in the Official Journal of 26 07 03 under n ° 2258





Name and line up

1.1       The association, non profit-making named "European Union of Cycle Touring" which abbreviations officially approved are U.E.C.T, founded the 09/11/2002, unites the associative structures which aim is the cycle touring in Europe.

1.2       The European Union of Cycle Touring is composed by associations group or by federations practising the cycle touring. One per country

1.3       The cycle touring is a cultural, tourist and sport activity of leisure on open-air. The cycletourist uses muscle strength or - and the eBike approved as a bicycle..




UECT has for objectives :


2.1       To run, to organize, to expand, to promote and to defend in Europe, the cycle touring practice in alls its forms.

2.2       To encourage and make easier the travel between countries by bicycle.

2.3       To represent the European cycle touring associations and such as that to take part in sport, cultural and tourist European authority's activities

2.4       To support alls the efforts to come to an understanding between countries.

2.5       To facilitate for creating cycle touring federations in countries which aren't setting it.

2.6       To proof the good effects of cycle touring activity on health et and on well being.

2.7       To set up the union international of cycle touring (UICT).

2.8       To endeavour to do usefully in all the regulations and when the safety's notions would be took up.

2.9       To grow up an individual and cultural tourism different from a masse one and protect heritage and respect for people who are living there.

2.10     To contribute to landscape, tourist sites, nature and environmental protection and grow up the lasting tourism.

2.11     To search for close collaboration with other hiking, nature, tourism and environment organisms.

2.12     To follow up general interest aims of a recognized association.

2.13     To manage events for doping prevention.

2.14     To use all the UECT financial means.



Terms : Its term is unlimited.



Head quarters

This union has its head quarters at the 12 rue Louis Bertrand 94200 Ivry Sur Seine, FRANCE.

The registered office can be transferred by the general meeting's decision taken up by two third majority.

The exercising year coincides with the civil year.



5.1       Can become a UECT members, associations group or federations, which dedicate on UECT aims and have their headquarters in Europe.

5.2       Can become a member, as a matter of priority, the federations which exclusively run cycletourism.

5.3       Can become the federations or combined groups with cycletourist board, if there isn't in their country, cycletourism federation.

5.4       In accordance with the section 1, 2 and 3, the member's position requires, first, a joining request. The general meeting decides, after the executive committee examination.

5.5       UECT member position is lost:

At the time of a juridical dissolution of the member structure.

By the way of a withdrawal statement for the president. It can be real only at the end of the civil year. Furthermore, it has to be sent at least 30 days before the annual general meeting.

By a removal from the union pronounced in the conditions fixed in the policies and procedures for a subscription non-payment or for serious grounds like a non respect of the UECT aims. The radiation is decided by the general meeting.


The admitted members contribute to the UECT functioning by the way of a subscription payment which total amount and payments methods will be fixed by the general meeting for the next exercising.


Way of actions

The UECT ways of actions are notably:

7.1       The check that the member structure's adherents have a specific cycle touring practice's insurance in all the countries.

7.2       The elaboration of a European demonstration calendar. These demonstrations are organised by the member's structures with a national stamp and chosen by the most representatives' tourist cyclist events corresponding to the UECT representative movement ethics.

7.3       The publishing periodical publications, official bulletins and promotion documents.

7.4       The fight against the road criminality and the defence and assistance for the victims of this criminality.

7.5       The defence of the cycle touring hiking and demonstration organisation right to the administrative authorities.

7.6       Organisation of cycle tourist meetings in Europe.

7.7       Ratification of introduction, tourism, travel and stamina certificates (in one or several countries), which structure is a UECT member.

7.8       Awarding of award and prize according to UECT financial availability.

7.9       Development of technical and educational programs to initiate member structures adherents into the cycle touring practice and for member structure official information and training.



The UECT members' structures statutes have to allow:

8.1       That the member structure is managed by the executive committee which its setting-up will be circulate every year at the UECT.

8.2       That any statutory modification has to be compatible with the UECT statutes and that the member structures upholding will be real only after the proposition to the UECT executive committee.







9.1       The general meeting is supreme. Every federals authority, the executive committee included in, ensues from it.

9.2       UECT affiliated members structures representatives compose the general meeting. Each federation delegates two representatives and can delegate two substitutes who sit in case of the representatives' absence.

9.3       Representatives of affiliated member organisations must be members of the said organisations during their term of office and are appointed directly by the affiliated organisations in accordance with the conditions set out in the internal regulations.

9.4       Vote by proxy or by email aren't admitted.

9.5       Every UECT member's structures can be present at the general meeting. Only the UECT members' structures representatives have to vote.

9.6       For voting, it's admitted: all proposals are admitted if there is a majority of 2/3 in two electoral colleges below defined:

Representative college: one voice per structure.

Federation college: each federation has one voice per 1000 membership cards. The lot of voices are shared between the two representatives of this federation. If a federation has less than 1000 membership cards, it has one voice.

9.7       The name of "founder structure" can be got until 2003 December 31st. The founder structures set in the UECT board and haves some rights which will be notified in policies and procedures.


The general meeting is in charge of:

10.1     The executive committee election.

10.2     The election of the president

10.3     The budget voting.

10.4     The fixation of the members structures subscription

10.5     The auditors naming

10.6     The next general meeting date and place's fixing

10.7     The approbation of the policies and procedures.



The UECT president convenes the general meeting.

Once a year it gets together at the date fixed by the executive committee. Moreover, it gets together each time that the executive committee or the assembly member structures majority represented by the two third vote, ask for its summon in the 30 following days of the request.


The executive committee fixes the order of the day.


The general meeting is in charge of:

11.1      The moral and activity reports adoption.

11.2      The annuals accounts adoption.

11.3      The current year auditor's report adoption.

11.4      The auditors' reports of the next year.

11.5      To give agreement for executive committee election

11.6      The executive committee's election every 4 years during the Olympic year

11.7      The election of the president for 4 years during the Olympic year

11.8      The budget voting

11.9      The fixation of the members structures subscription

11.10    The statutes changes or modifications.

11.11    The members structure admittance and the member structure position.

11.12    The fixing of the next general meeting date and place

11.13    The fixing of the UECT actions for the next year.

11.14    UECT dissolution

11.15    The purchase, exchange and alienations in real estate property.


The general meeting statement and financials reports are transmit every year to UECT members' structures.


The general meeting votes are by secret ballot.






The Executive Committee



12.1      An executive committee manages the UECT and exercises all the attributions that the actual statutes don't confer to the general meeting.

12.2      The executive committee decides and controls the budget fulfilment as it has been voted by the general meeting.

12.3      The executive committee is composed by 6 at least elected members 4 years old term in accordance with the conditions fixed by the procedures and policies.

12.4      They are re-eligible. The executive committee expires during the Olympic year.


The general meeting can put an end to the executive committee's proxy before its time limit by the way of a vote which intervenes in the conditions written below :

-       The two third expressible voices must have convened the general meeting for that effect. (according to 9.6)

-       The two third general meeting members have to be present or represented. (according to 9.6)

-       The executive committee's removal has to be voted to the majority of the two thirds of the valid and blank votes. (according to 9.6)


The brownout by the general meeting at the two third majority representing at least two thirds of the expressible voices, of the moral report, of the activity report, of the financial report and of the budget project lead to the executive committee's resignation. (according to 9.6)



The executive committee meets at least once a year. The UECT president convenes it. The convening is obligatory when the meeting is asked by the two thirds of its members. The executive committee validly deliberates only if at least half members are presents.

The president and the secretary sign the statements.



The executive committee elected elects among its members the UECT president by secret ballot. This UECT president is confirmed by the general meeting. The executive committee chooses among its members at least 5 3 members and at more 9 members with the elected president, a treasurer, and general secretary.



The President and the Board :



16.1     The general meeting confirms the president of the executive committee like the UECT president. If the general meeting refuses, the executive committee has to find another president who will bee presented to the general meeting until this one elects him.

16.2     The president's authority takes an end at the same time with the executive committee's authority.


17.1      UECT president presides over the general meeting, the executive committee and the board. The president and the treasurer or the general secretary authorize the expenditures. The president represents the UECT in all the civil life's acts and before the courts.

17.2      The president has the power to bring somebody before the courts and to stand on the civil part by the way of the UECT name, as the complainant or as the defendant.

17.3      The president can delegate some of these attributions. However UECT representation before the courts can be ensure, for lack of the president, only by an attorney acting in accordance with a special power signed by the president.



18.1      In case of the president post's vacancy, for any case, the president's functions are exercised for the time being by the vice chairman and if it is post's vacancy, by an elected executive committee member.

18.2      From the first general meeting after the vacancy and if the case arises after having completed the executive committee, the general meeting elects a new president who will stay until the end of his predecessor's authority.



The board is watchful to carry out the executive committee's decisions and represent the UECT in any events according to this committee.

His power is ended in the same time execution committee power.



The executive committee institutes the commission which procedures and policies hold the structure and the activity domains. An UECT member has to sit in each commission and has to be present at each meeting.



French and English are the official deliberation languages.







The UECT annual resources are composed by:


22.1      The members' subscriptions and contributions

22.2      The demonstration's product

22.3      The property's income

22.4      The grants

22.5      The liberality product which use is allowed during the exercising

22.6      The product of perceived payment for the delivered services

22.7      The private and public partner's product.







The statutes can be altered by the general meeting.

The notification to attend with the agenda mentioning the modification's propositions, come to the UECT affiliated structures, at least 45 days before the assembly meeting.



The UECT dissolution can only be pronounced during an extraordinary general meeting convened by the president with order of the day presenting the motives, at least a month before, after the vote regrouping at least two thirds of the actives members. (according to 9.6)



In case of dissolution, the general meeting points out one or several superintendent in charge of the UECT property liquidation. It attributes its disposable assets to a federation proposed by the European Council and which activities correspond at the UECT statutory aims.



The general meeting deliberation concerning the statutes' modification, the UECT dissolution and the property liquidation are sent without a time limit to the competent authority of the country where the UECT head quarters is. It takes effect only after their approval


All subject no defined will be defined in procedures and policies.

They will be elaborated by the executive committee and submitted to the general meeting.



The present statutes have been adopted by the constitutive general meeting the 09/11/02 in Ivry-sur-Seine.


President of UECT 2002 
General Secretary 2002
Treasurer 2002
President of FBC 2002
President of FFCT 2002
President of FPCUB 2002
Jose Manuel CAETANO

The present statutes have been modified by the General Assembly of March 11, 2018 in Lisbon.

Président of UECT 2018
Patrice GODART
General Secretary 2018
Treasurer 2018
Bernard TONON
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